
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tag dari ANIs HamIzaH...

hari ni aku dapat tad dr anis hamizah...
kawan lama mase skola rendah..

Rules and Regulations
-do not copy answer
-the tag question must be 100% the same
-tag people after doing tag

mangsa sterusnya...
*sesape yang ade blog
*sesape yang ade myspace
*sesape yg ade ym
*sesape yg ade facebook
*sesape yg friendster

so,sesiapa yg rase ade kne mngena dgn ape yg dinyatakan...silalah jwb tag dari aku...

1.How do u know 1?
~drpd spupu die punya mak punya kawan....

2.what would u do if u never meet 2?
~dok umah....

3.what would u do if 3 n 4 dated u?
~ckp xmo...

4.would 5 n 6 make a good couple?
~xbrape la...

5.do u think 7 is attractive?

6.do u know anything about 8's family?
~tau2...famly dia dok kat Pahang...hu3..

7.tell me something about 9?
~seorang yg pramah, suke makan choki2...

8.what language does 2 speak?

9.who is 3 going out with?
~dgn emi kot...

10.how old is number 4?
~thn nie 15.7 thn...

~2 bln stengah..

12.who is 6's favourite singer?
~me!!..hu3.gurau je,..

~suhaimi saad..i think...

14.is 8 single??
~no..dia da kawen...

15.what's 9 last name?

16.would u consider being in a relationship with 1?

18.what do like about 3?

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